Best 1B-LSD for sale

Best Quality 1B-LSD BLOTTERS Available

What is 1B-LSD ?

1B-LSD (1-butanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is an LSD analogue which appears to be about as potent as 1P-LSD (slightly more potent than LSD) and has a slightly shorter duration than that of LSD, again thought to be about the same as 1P-LSD. Best 1B-LSD for sale .

HOW TO USE 1B-LSD? Best 1B-LSD for sale

The highest quality 1B-LSD blotters for sale dosed at 125ug each, ensure to wear gloves when handling the blotters. Store in a dry and cool place for maximum shelf-life. When handling research chemicals ensure to always take the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask & protective clothing.


The tetracyclic ergoline is typical of the chemical structure of ergot alkaloids. In contrast to lysergic acid diethylamide, 1B-LSD has an additional N1-butyryl group. Chemical modifications in the N1 position are among the most frequently performed changes in the ergoline system, as the Indole nitrogen is easily accessible for alkylations, acylations, Mannich reactions and Michael additions.

Therefore it is unknown who first synthesized 1B-LSD. The substance does not appear in any literature pre-dating its arrival on the research chemical market.


We sell premium quality 1B-LSD, typically in blotters. However, we often have other forms available, so feel free to contact us to see if we have your preferred form in stock. You must be at least 18 years old to buy 1B LSD from us.

About 1B-LSD

Above all the definition of 1B-LSD is officially known as 1-Butanoyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide, a substance of the lysergamide class.

It is structural similar to lysergic acid diethylamide and also named after the butyryl group bound to the nitrogen of the polycyclic indole group.


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  • $200.00$2,600.00

    What is 1B-LSD ?

    1B-LSD (1-butanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is an LSD analogue which appears to be about as potent as 1P-LSD (slightly more potent than LSD) and has a slightly shorter duration than that of LSD, again thought to be about the same as 1P-LSD. Best 1B-LSD for sale .



    Best 1B-LSD for sale
    $200.00$2,600.00 Select options
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