AM-1221 for Sale
Best Quality AM-1221 for Sale for Large Orders
What is AM-1221?
AM-1221 is a potent and selective agonist for the cannabinoid receptor CB2, with a Ki of 0.28 nM at CB2 and 52.3 nM at the CB1 receptor, giving it around 180 times selectivity for CB2. AM-1221 for Sale .
Product Information ,AM-1221 for Sale
- Molecular FormulaC26H25N3O3
- Average mass427.495 Da
- Monoisotopic mass427.189606 Da
The 2-methyl and 6-nitro groups on the indole ring both tend to increase CB2 affinity while generally reducing affinity at CB1, explaining the high CB2 selectivity of AM-1221.
However, despite this relatively high selectivity for CB2, its CB1 affinity is still too strong to make it useful as a truly selective CB2 agonist, so the related compound AM-1241 is generally prefer
for research purposes.
Typical effects include
- Feelings of being happy, euphoric and relaxed, with some people gettings the giggles, feeling hunger pangs and becoming very talkative, while others get more drowsy.
- Mood and perception can change, and concentration and coordination may become difficult. Synthetic cannabinoids, possibly because of their potency, are more likely to be associated with hallucinations than natural cannabis.
- Some will have quite bad reactions, such as paranoia, panic attacks and forgetfulness.
How long the effects last and the drug stays in your system depends on how much you’ve taken, your size and what other drugs you may have also taken.
Physical health risks
The risks of synthetic cannabinoids are similar to natural cannabis, but because synthetic cannabinoids are more potent, it is easy to use too much and experience the unpleasant and harmful effects. This higher potency also means that the effects may last for longer.
Also, because many synthetic cannabinoids are new, they may have unknown effects too.
Many synthetic cannabinoids have a chemical structure that is similar to serotonin, a natural chemical found in the body. It’s been suggested that there’s a risk that synthetic cannabinoids could overstimulate the serotonin system
Showing the single result
$360.00 – $3,000.00
What is AM-1221?
AM-1221 is a potent and selective agonist for the cannabinoid receptor CB2, with a Ki of 0.28 nM at CB2 and 52.3 nM at the CB1 receptor, giving it around 180 times selectivity for CB2. AM-1221 for Sale .
$360.00 – $3,000.00 Select optionsQuick View
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